World Team Tennis Questions

  1. What is Portland World Team Tennis?
  2. What is a WTT team?
  3. Who can play?
  4. When do leagues start?
  5. When is the sign-up deadline?
  6. What divisions (levels of play) are offered?
  7. How do I determine my team rating?
  8. Where do we play?
  9. Can I register as an individual/substitute/team?
  10. What is the cost?
  11. Do league winners qualify for a National Qualifier?
  12. Who do I contact for additional questions?

Questions And Answers

What is Portland World Team Tennis?

Portland World Team Tennis is co-ed teams competing in a format that consists of 8 no-ad sets. One set each of men's and women's doubles followed by men's and women's singles, ending with two sets of mixed doubles. Total games won from all sets determines the winner. Substitutions and coaching are allowed.

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What is a WTT team?

A team must have two men and two women, as a minimum, and up to 16 players maximum. This allows for rest periods and missing matches. One player may be replaced on a team roster due to injury, etc. New players must complete at least two matches during the regular season in order to be eligible for playoffs, finals, and advancing to WTT Regional and National events.

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Who can play?

Adults (18 and over) may sign-up as a team or as an individual. Players registering after the season begins will be added to a substitute list.

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When do leagues start?

Matches for 2015 season begin the week after Memorial Day (June 2).  Typically, regular season matches finish late-July with play-offs running through first week of September.  Matches start at 6:00 pm (Irving Park) or 6:30pm (all other locations).  Finals are the last week of August.  Exact dates depend on the schedule and weather.
3.0 and 4.0 matches will be played primarily on Tuesdays with overlap on Thursdays.
3.5 Matches will be played primarily on Wednesdays with overlap on Mondays.
4.5 matches will be played based on preference.
There are matches scheduled for every week except any byes.

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When is the sign-up deadline?

Deadline to register a team is Monday, May 11, 2015. Players can be added to rosters during the season. Players entering the league without a team after matches begin will be placed on the substitution list.

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What divisions (levels of play) are offered?

3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 divisions are offered.

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How do I determine my team rating?

The GPTC recommends all WTT players have a NTRP computer rating by the end of the season. WTT requires all participants in a WTT National Qualifier to have a USTA NTRP computer rating.
Players do not have to have a computer NTRP rating to play in the local leagues but must have a verifiable (computer or visual) NTRP rating to advance to WTT National Qualifier and WTT National events.
Players who do not appear on the official team roster are not eligible to play. 
Players may participate in more than one division but cannot participate on more than one team within a division’s flight. For example, a player may participate in 3.0 and a 3.5 team, so long as that person is deemed eligible to participate on each team. A player may play on a 3.0 team in one flight and a 3.0 team in a different flight. There will be no scheduling considerations for players participating in more than one team, regardless of the divisions, during the regular season, playoffs and finals.
Players who have advanced to the next level by DNTRP are eligible to further compete at the level for which the player initially registered. NTRP ratings will be verified with the USTA/PNW Section at registration.
A team consists of a minimum of two men and two women. The suggested minimum number of players is three men and three women. Team size varies on players’ availability and playing preferences. Teams can carry as many at 16 players, plus a maximum of two substitutes per season. Note: Only 10 players are eligible to compete at WTT Regional and National events.
One player on a roster may be replaced due to injury only if the injured player is not going to return for the remainder of the season.
The average NTRP rating of the top two men and top two women players on your team determines the team rating. This assumes the remaining players on a team are rated lower than the team rating. If you have one player above the team rating, you can only have two players rated at the team rating. All remaining team players must be rated below the team rating.
Joe-4.5 Mary-4.0
Tom-4.0 Jill-3.5
Bill-3.5 Gail-3.5
Joe-3.5 Mary-3.5
Jim-3.5 Joan-3.5 
The best two men and women are: 4.5, 4.0, 4.0, and 3.5. This totals 16. 16 divided by 4 equals 4.0. This team should register for the 4.0 division. 
Example 2:
Joe-3.5 Mary-3.0
Tom-3.0 Jill-3.0
Bill-3.0 Gail-3.0
Joe-2.5 Mary-3.0
Jim-2.5 Joan-2.5 
The best two men and women are: 3.5, 3.0, 3.0, and 3.0. This totals 12.5. 12.5 divided by 4 equals 3.125. This team should register for the 3.5 division.
**Portland World Team Tennis team rating rules are not the same as National WTT rating rules. Please disregard information about determining your team rating at
Portland World Team Tennis allows only one player rated over the team’s NTRP level to compete on a team. If your team is interested in competing beyond the local level, be aware of the differences and requirements for national events.

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Where do we play?

See Locations for all park info.

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Can I register as an individual/substitute/team?

Yes. We will help place you on a team if you do not have one. See the Open Night Play schedule by clicking here. After the regular season play has begun your name is available to captains looking for substitutes or additional players. Visit to register.
If you are interested in registering a team, email and provide the captain(s)' name(s), email address, a team name (this can be changed later if unknown), and the team level.

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What is the cost?

The fee is $350/team. One check per team is collected either at the captain's meeting or once the season begins. Typically, teams divide the fee among the whole team, which is approximately $30-$45 per person. Besides a whole lot of fun, this includes playing in an organized league with an opportunity to advance beyond the local level, court fees, tennis balls and discounts to local tennis services.
You can mail your team fee to:
16055 SW Walker Road #119
Beaverton, OR 97006

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Do league winners qualify for a National Qualifier?

Winning teams of any official Mylan World TeamTennis (Mylan WTT) local league division are eligible to attend one National Qualifier within 12 months from the date their local league ends.
If the winning team is unable to compete in any National Qualifier within the 12 months, they may be replaced by the second place team within the same time frame.

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Who do I contact for additional questions?

For more information, e-mail

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